How to know the due date that a issue had

Hello community,

I have a doubt that it’s around my mind and I can’t resolve.

I need to know if it is possible to get the date(s) that a issue had in the past and create metric with all of them.

I see that when a field is changed, the issue gathers this change and you can check it in the “history” tab but I don’t know if we can work with all these changes.

Why? I need to create a metric in EazyBI where the results for each period hierarchy set shows the issues overdue in this particular period regardless if the due date changed later.

Example : We are on 2019/01/03 and we hace the following report:

2019/01/01 = 5 issues (2 issues with due date set on 2018/12/30 and the remaining 3 in 2019/01/01)

2019/01/02 = 10 issues (5 issues with due date set on 2019/01/02 and the 5 overdue issues aforementioned)

Well, we are now on 2019/02/01 and for any reason I modify the 5 overdue issues on 2019/01/02 to 2019/03/01, I need that the result for “2019/01/02” remains 10 because in this day was 10 overdue issues and I have reported that to my boss in the past.

Is it possible?

I have using the following MDX code to get the overdue issues in the period set but they update when the due date is modified.

Descendants([Issue].CurrentMember, [Issue].[Issue]),
[Measures].[Issues with due date] > 0 AND
DateCompare([Issue].CurrentMember.get(‘Due date’),
Now()) < 0
[Issue].CurrentMember.get(‘Created at’),
[Time].CurrentHierarchyMember) AND
NOT DateBeforePeriodEnd(
[Issue].CurrentMember.get(‘Resolved at’),
[Time].CurrentHierarchyMember) AND
[Issue].CurrentMember.get(‘Due date’),

Hi @AlfonsoFornell!

Unfortunately, you are correct - eazyBI does not import the due date changes by default. When using eazyBI for Jira Cloud, you could calculate the due date changes by using JavaScript calculated fields; but when using eazyBI for Jira Server changes for “due date” field can be calculated with some scripted field (e.g. Jira Misc or ScriptRunner)

Let me know if you have any further questions about the expected result of the calculated field.
Lauma /