How to obtain only created parent issues

Hi everyBody.

I need to obtain a calculated measure like issue created but i only need count Parent Issue.(without subtask)
I need a calculated measure by translate reasons.

I have this calculated measure:

NOT ([Issue type].CurrentMember.GetBoolean(‘Subtask’))
AND [Measures].[Issues created] > 0

Best regards

Hi @David_A,

There is no need to iterate through the Issue dimension “Issue” level members to retrieve the number of issues from standard issue types. Try a predefined measure as “Issues created” in the report. Instead of the standard hierarchy, select the “By type” hierarchy to see only standard issue types. See the screenshot below:

You can then remove the Sub-Task level member from the report. Or, you can remove the Issue Type
dimension from the report entirely and define a new calculated measure to return the number of issues from the standard type with the formula below:

([Measures].[Issues created],
[Issue Type.By type].[Standard])

Roberts //