How to tracking the Sprint Ready Backlog across Time

Hi @Jon

You would need a custom calculation that iterates through imported issues for each sprint.

Try something like this to count completed story points for the issues in ready status at the end of time period and with date in ready between your two required dates.

	[Measures].[Issue date in ready],
([Measures].[Issues history],
[Issue Type].[Story],
[Transition Status].[Ready])>0
[Measures].[Sprint story points completed]

Then you would use the new measure for the Velocity calculation instead of Sprint Story Points completed.

There I am suggesting a formula Descenants is heavy because it iterates through all imported members in the “Issue” dimension, therefore it can be much slower than using regular tuples.
Please enable the “Nonempty” cross join in the report for these calculated measures.

See similar questions here:

Martins / eazyBI support