I need to create an open issue aging report bucketed into three time periods

Hi all,

I am brand new here and have a very basic programming experience. I use ChatGPT and Phind for most of my questions. But, I believe I have a pretty simple problem that will have a simple solution, I just cant figure out how to do it. I basically need to create a report that show how many issues, as of today, are open that have been open for 0-10 days, 11-30 days, and 31+ days that are in any of the following statuses: Incoming, In Progress, On Hold.

I know how to get the status part of the report created, but I don’t know how to make the custom dimensions (custom measures?) to create the three buckets for grouping the days. Anyone have any idea?

Thanks in advance!!

Hello @Kevin_Rothman
Welcome to the eazyBI Community :wave:

If you are on Jira Cloud, I suggest using eazyBI AI assistant to help you with your reporting needs; it better understands the eazyBI data model and is built to help you with your reporting questions; here you can read more information about them: AI Assistants

But to answer your original request, you can import and use the “Age interval” dimension, where you can set custom intervals. Use this dimension together with the “Status” dimension and measure “Issues due.”
Here is an example from our demo account: Unresolved Issues Age Interval Histogram - Issues - Jira Demo - eazyBI

Gerda // support@eazybi.com