I need to show the status of all the stories within the EPIC along with its progress. Should be able to able to view prorgress

I have to generate report for one particular EPIC. So I should be able to filter the statics for my EPIC with its ID and I want to be able to view the status of all the stories within it and overall status of the tasks within the stories.
The EPIC is imported into eazyBI but I am not able to figure out how to filter for one particular EPIC with its ID and also show all the stories → tasks within it.

Hi @Remya,

Presuming that by “Tasks within stories”, you mean sub-tasks, you might use the Epic hierarchy (1) within the Issue dimension.
You might add the Issue dimension to report rows and then add it to pages by clicking on [Pages] in the lower right corner of the dimension box (2).

Once you have selected the proper Epic in pages, you will see its related children issues on rows.

​However, if you have built a different hierarchy within Jira, you might rebuild that also in eazyBI. Please read more about that here - Additional Issue hierarchies.

​Oskars / support@eazyBI.com