I want to get the total number of bugs created in a sprint with a specific status only

I am trying this equations but it doesnot work fine or I don’t know if it is accurate for what i want or not

[Issue Type].[Bug]


[Issue Type].[Bug]


[Issue Type].[Bug]

[Status].[In Progress])

[Issue Type].[Bug]


[Issue Type].[Bug]

[Status].[Testing In-progress])

[Issue Type].[Bug]

[Status].[Not a Bug])


when i compare it with the filter in jira with a specific sprint, it doesnot give me the same count

Hi @Issraa_Abdulaliem,

Instead of using a measure formula I would solve this with the issues created measure.


  • Issue Type with “Bug” as a filter


  • Issues created
  • Status with the status you want to filter on

Sprints and expanded for all sprints.


Hi @Issraa_Abdulaliem ,

Suppose you wish to retrieve the number of Bugs in specific statuses that are also added (and resolved) in the Sprint. In that case, you can use the approach suggested by @eli_solutions .

Suppose you want to consider Bugs created while the Sprint was active and may not be added to the particular Sprint. In that case, I first recommend defining a calculated member in the Status dimension, aggregating the Status dimension members you are looking for. See more details on defining calculated members in dimensions here - Calculated measures and members. And here, more details on the Aggregate() function with examples - Aggregate.

Next, define a calculated measure with the formula below:

-- annotations.drill_through_non_empty=false
    -- iterate through Time Day level members
    -- Returining Days between Sprint start and end date
      DateWithoutTime([Sprint].CurrentHierarchyMember.Get('Activated date')),
        [Sprint].CurrentHierarchyMember.Get('Complete date'),
        [Sprint].CurrentHierarchyMember.Get('End date')
  ([Measures].[Issues created],
  [Issue Type].[Bug],
  [Status].[CALCULATED_MEMBER_NAME], -- <===== specify the Status dimension calculated member name here

The calculation will look for Bugs currently in the specified statuses and created in the Time dimension period while the Sprint was active. See an example below:

You may also want to filter by a specific Project, as the calculation will return issues from any Project.

Roberts // support@eazybi.com

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