Identifying if time has been recorded


We record time in JIRA sometimes on the parent story or sometimes if the engineers break the story into sub-tasks they will record the time on the sub-task instead.

One of our reports is to check if all issues have time booked against them.

But if engineers book time on the sub-tasks the parent issue is flagged as not having time spent on it.

Does anyone have a simple way where I can determine if time has been logged for a story regardless of whether its recorded on the story or its sub-tasks ?

Hi @ginger99

You can use the Issue dimension in the Rows section and choose the “Parent” level of the Sub-task hierarchy. This will roll-up all the values from the Sub-task issues to the Parent issues. You can use this together with the Hours spent measure to see the Total hours spent on a Story.

​Best regards,

Thanks @nauris.malitis

As part of my import, I have a custom field which is set to Y or N depending if time has been spent on the ticket. Its pretty basic as you can see below. But if the issue is a story and the all the time has been booked on sub-tasks the value is 0. Is there a field I can use that is the roll up of the value like you can get in JIRA ?

if (issue.fields.timespent > 0 )
return “Y”
return “N”

Hi @ginger99

The predefined “Hours spent” measure should roll up the values from the issue.fields.timespent field, so you’ll see the total time spent next to the Stories (when using the right hierarchy), no matter if the hours were logged to the sub-tasks or to Stories themselves.

Let me know if I’m missing something!
​Best regards,