In EazyBI formula, I need to get the number of issues that don't have "Labels=ECL"

Hi guys,
I am trying to get the number of issues that don’t have “Labels = ECL”.

For example,

There are issues that have ECL or None in Labels.

I need UNQUAL sign for getting all the issues that don’t have “ECL” in labels, so I tried this:
[Measures].[Issue labels] != “ECL”

But the Unequal sign seemed not working.

How can I get the number of all the issues that don’t have “ECL” in labels? Is there a different way to use Unequal sign?

Hi, @Kyung_Park

Welcom to the eazyBI community.

To filter out the issues with no certain label (or combinations with that label), subtract the label from all labels.
The formula might look like this:



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