Inserting a Hyperlink for a measure "Issue Depends on"

I am creating a dependencies tracker and would like to insert a hyperlink for both the issue and the “issue depends on” measure.

This is what i have so far, i created a hyperlink using the query below but i am struggling with creating a hyperlink for the measure.

[Issue] = "Issue"
||Cast([Issue].CurrentHierarchyMember.Key as string)
||Cast([Issue].CurrentHierarchyMember.Key as string)

The query i am trying to use for the “issue depends on” measure is below:

[Issue] = "Issue"
[is a dependency of].CurrentMember IS [is a dependency of].DefaultMember
||Cast([Measures].[Issue depends on].CurrentMember.Key as string)
||Cast([Measures].[Issue depends on].CurrentMember.Key as string)

Please help

Hi @hariprasad,

I am sorry this topic was not discussed earlier; it was hidden in the Tips and Trick section.

The first expression to generate hyperlinks for the issue itself is correct and works well.
For the second expression, the syntax for [Measures].[Issue depends on].CurrentMember.Key is not right, so the calculation does not work. You might want to address the issue property similarly as you got the issue key: [Issue].CurrentMember.Get('depends on').
Please use autocomplete to get the correct property name holding information on linked issue.

You may also combine both hyperlinks into one expression like this:

  [Issue] = "Issue"
--issue key in italic
  ||Cast([Issue].CurrentHierarchyMember.Key as string)
  --concatenate link to issue
  ||Cast([Issue].CurrentHierarchyMember.Key as string)
  --concatenate information on dependency issue
    IsEmpty([Issue].CurrentMember.Get('depends on')) OR
    [Issue].CurrentMember.Get('depends on') = "(none)"
  THEN --print the text
    " has no dependancies"
  ELSE -- text to divide both issue links and hyperlinks
    ||" depends on "||
    --issue key in italic
      ||Cast([Issue].CurrentMember.Get('depends on') as string)
      --concatenate link to dependency issues
      ||Cast([Issue].CurrentMember.Get('depends on') as string)

Zane /

Hi @zane.baranovska

Is it possible to use this for multiple linked issues? For the moment it takes al the different linked issues as 1 URL ( OOM-4213,OOM-4244), but I want every linked issue as a seperate link (like in Jira) like this ( OOM-4213, OOM-4244)

kind regards

Hi @_P3,

You can generate a link for each issue key if you have several linked issues with the same type. The expression for creating a clickable link is the same; in addition, you should use functions Generate() and GetMembersByKeys() to process each linked issue separately and construct the clickable link for each.

Please see this Community post with the example:

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Hi @zane.baranovska,

It works, but I have another problem, because I want to add the status of the linked issues.

I used

[Issue].CurrentHierarchyMember.Get("Status ID")),

It works, but I get the status of the master issue, not the linked issues.

My syntax for the moment looks so:

[Linked Issues].Currentmember is [Linked Issues].Defaultmember
– get a list of linked issues
[Linked Issues].[Linked Issues].GetMembersByKeys(
[Issue].CurrentHierarchyMember.get(‘Linked Issues’)
– show by key
cast([Linked Issues].CurrentHierarchyMember.Key as string)
||“](https ://”||cast([Linked Issues].CurrentHierarchyMember.Key as string)||") "

|| " - " ||
– show issue status
[Issue].CurrentHierarchyMember.Get(“Status ID”)),

I had to change some things (bold) before it worked.

As told, with this formula I get the correct hyperlinks of the linked issues, but the status is that from the master ticket

The only thing I can think of is that the linked issues in the master ticket belongs to other projects (we have multiple projects in Jira), so EazyBi don’t find the right status.
We have release tickets in our incident and problem project, other teams makes work tickets in their own projects and link those on to our release ticket.

So I tried to change the part for the status in:

[Linked Issues].CurrentHierarchyMember.Get(“Status ID”)),

But then I get “null” as a result.

@_P3 Your changes are correct, and expression shows the linked issue status if it is available in eazyBI:

[Linked Issues ].CurrentHierarchyMember.Get('Status ID'))

You can read the expression above like this: look up the linked issue among all imported issues in eazyBI and find the status assigned to it.

  • If the linked issue is imported only as a linked issue key, then eazyBI does not know any details about this issue because these are not imported.
  • If the linked issue is imported also as an issue in the Issue dimension, then eazyBI can find the issue’s full name, status, and other properties for this linked issue as those data are imported.

You may want to select the linked issue project for data import if this is an option for you. Then the expression will work as expected.

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Importing the projects gave me indeed the right status.

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