Issue count by parent Issue Dimension


I’m running eazyBI for Jira version 5.2.1 (server) and am struggling to find the right way to create a report.

I have an Epic -> UserStory hierarchy and I want to count how many UserStories we closed in a time period (e.g. month) for epics that had a DeliveryWorkType of “CAPEX”. DeliveryWorkType (DWT) is a custom field on an Epic and has a corresponding dimension in easyBI.


EpicA (DWT = “CAPEX”) has child User Stories US1, US2, US3
EpicB (DWT = “OPEX”) has child User Stories US4, US5

In March, we closed US1, US2, US4
In April, we closed US3
US5 is still open

I want to see a report that shows the count of closed User Stories, by month, grouped by DeliveryWorkType

March 2 1
April 1 0

I’m not sure if I can do this out of the box or I need to write some custom measure?

I received this response from EazyBI that solved the problem and thought I’d post here…

Hi Adam,

Thank you for the request and the details provided.

The recommended solution for this use case is to implement a new Javascript calculated custom field in eazyBI. The idea is that with such a custom field we can create a new dimension in eazyBI inheriting down the DeliveryWorkType field from epics to the stories.

For that, you need to add the lines like this to the advanced settings of eazyBI:

[jira.customfield_cf_inherited] name = “DeliveryWorkType Inherited” data_type = “string” dimension = true javascript_code=’’’ if (issue.fields.customfield_NNNNN && issue.fields.customfield_NNNNN.value) { issue.fields.customfield_cf_inherited=issue.fields.customfield_NNNNN.value } ‘’’ update_from_issue_key = “epic_key”

You need to adjust the code and use the custom field ID instead of NNNNN. This example assumes the field is the single select dropdown list.

Once you save the advanced settings, you should see the new field in the custom field list of the data import options:

After the data import, a new dimension will be created and user stories will have the custom field value inherited down form epics. The following report should resolve your case:

Let me know if that works, or you need any further guidance on the implementation.


Janis Plume
eazyBI support