Issue status on specific time

I am trying to make a historical report for a specific sprint in our project.
I want to know the issue status history at the start and end of that sprint.


To get the issue status when it was committed or added to the sprint, you can use the following formula:

   Descendants([Transition Status].CurrentMember,[Transition Status].[Transition Status]),
   [Measures].[Sprint issues committed] > 0
 [Transition Status].CurrentMember.Name,

To get the issue status at the end of the sprint:

    Descendants([Transition Status].CurrentMember,[Transition Status].[Transition Status]),
    [Measures].[Sprint issues at closing] > 0
  [Transition Status].CurrentMember.Name,

Also, I suggest creating a new report-specific measure [Measures].[Sprint issues committed] + [Measures].[Sprint issues added] and then in the table view filter rows > 0. This will remove issues where sprint has been assigned, for example, by mistake and changed soon after.

Let me know if that works for you,

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Thanks a lot, This works for me very well. :pray: