Issues Count by Team within Epics

We have the field Team available for both Epic and Issue type tickets. Generally, a team creates an epic and most of the tickets in a given epic are done by the same team. In some cases, we have tickets for a another team in a given team’s Epic. I would like to highlight those tickets.

Looking to make a table with something like:
Team Alpha’s Epics

| Epic Name | Issue Count for Team Alpha's Tickets | Issue Count for Team Beta's Tickets | ... | Issue Count for Team Omega's Tickets |

What I have tried so far:
If I use team filter on row I am not able to see the other team’s ticket in the table
If I do not use the team filter then I see every team’s tickets but the table is too noisy and does not give me actionable insights

Hello @Rutwij_Devashrayee

​I would recommend doing the following:

  1. Add your Epics in Rows.
  2. ​Select “Issues Created” measure in Measures Dimension
  3. ​Add Team dimension in Columns. If necessary you can search and bookmark the teams you are interested in seeing in the report and then display them in the report.

    ​See example report I have created:.

​Best wishes,
​Elita from