Hi, I am trying to pull data into my EazyBi for JIRA using the Confluence REST API. I can pull the data I need and have the mapping all done but unfortunately I cannot find a way to get paging working. Confluence’s Rest API uses the _links.next property of the results to provide the URL of the next page. This URL comes in as a relative URL but it is missing the first part of the path. Example:
Confluence Rest API URL: “https://company_name.atlassian.net/wiki/rest/api/content/search?..”
The result contains the following _links.next property: “/rest/api/content/search?..”
Notice the missing “/wiki” from the beginning of the _links.next result. Currently I get a 404 error because EazyBI cannot get results past the first page. Is there any way to resolve this issue so that I can page through the Confluence Rest API? Thanks!