Issues updated last week/s or month/s ago by assignee

Hello EazyBi support. I’ll explain the report I’m trying to figure out how to build correctly as right now I’m not able to fully complete the report.

What I want to achieve: I have to get 2 reports ( monthly, another weekly) for the updated issues in the last week/month. Take into account that if the report for example is checked on Wednesday, the calculation of the week has to be from previous week completly (from M to F) so what I need to define in this calculation is the previous week, or previous weeks as sometimes the user needs to check for example 2 weeks ago the reports.
Another time range of calculation is in the last 8 weeks (that’s the max range time aprox).

I know this calculation has to be made manually by a formula, the current one I have for example is (calculated formula):

  [Measures].[Issues last updated]

This case will show me the last 7 days from current report day I’m doing it, but no idea how to scalate it for further weeks ago and also I don’t know how to define the range date from Monday to Friday for the last 8 weeks so in the “Time” Page have the option to modify it’s value and select the exact week I want.

Same example happens to Monthly:

  [Measures].[Issues last updated]

The picture of the report is as it follows:

As you can see on the image, the assignee had to be placed in both Rows and Pages because seems like the assignee is not been correctly selected for the actual assignee, it picks the creation time or I don’t know why the report is not showing correctly.

What I need to achieve is 2 things:
1 - Fix the measure of time to be able to show me the correct amount of time range: last 8 weeks for weekly report, last 12 month for montly report for the last update on the issues.
2 - The assignee has to be related to current assignee, because when I do the assignee dimension on pages, is not filtering correctly at all.

I’ll thank you for any kind of help/tips to provide me.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards.


We can refer the previous week or month with formulas like this:

([Measures].[Issues last updated],
([Measures].[Issues last updated],

The sum function is needed if you watn to cover several previous weeks or months. This formula counts updated issues for the previous 4 months:

  [Measures].[Issues last updated]

Janis, eazyBI support