Javascript Add days to date

Hello Eazybi Community,

I would like to have a measure using a jira custom field date with X days added to this custom fields.
I start to do it bu Javascript but doing
NewDate = Date (Date.parse(myCF)+X1000606024) does not work because it seems that Date returns a date not in format expexted.
Anyone would have been an idea ?


Hi @jerome_dento

Try this custom Javascript code in import options page.

    var abc = issue.fields.customfield_NNNNN;
    var tzoff=abc.match(/.*([\+|\-]\d+)/)[1]/100;
    var df = new Date(Date.parse(abc));   
    df.setHours(df.getHours() + tzoff);   
    df.setDate( df.getDate() + 1 );
    issue.fields.customfield_NNNNN = df

It should add +1 day to the date picker field NNNNN value during import

Martins / eazyBI