Javascript Code to create a new dimension using substring sprint name

I have a custom sprint field “customfield_10010” and i would like to create a new dimension by taking the first 8 chars.

the new fields name “Sprint Group” of type = string.

Hi @APS,

Welcome to the eazyBI community!

Depending on the actual field type, the approach might differ.

If that is a plain text field containing sprint name, the JavaScript code part might be as follows:

if(issue.fields.customfield_10010) {
return issue.fields.customfield_10010.substring(0,8)}

However, if that is a Jira Software native Sprint field - the data structure is slightly different.
In that case, you might import additional Sprint properties using REST API and build relevant hierarchy within Sprint dimension.
Please read more about that here - Sprint reports for sprint week cycles (Sprint custom hierarchies).

Oskars /