Jira Custom Field Does Not Import Values

We have a custom field configured to hold the currently assigned Jira team that looks like this:

"customfield_10900": {
  "id": "a4692fdb-2b3a-46e0-a4b4-de6975b3a8f4-18",
  "name": "Team_Name",
  "avatarUrl": "",
  "isVisible": true,
  "title": "Team_Name",
  "isShared": true

I’ve set this up as a custom calculated field in the EazyBI Jira App with the following settings:

if (issue.fields.customfield_10900 !== null && issue.fields.customfield_10900 !== undefined) {
  return issue.fields.customfield_10900.title

and with advanced settings:

changes = true
separate_table = true

the field imports correctly and a dimension is created, with hierarchy members of all the team types.
If I look at issues created in a time period I’d like to be able to filter by team, however despite all the team names being present in the hierarchy, all of the issues have a team value of “(None)”:

If I query a Jira ticket from within the custom calculated field settings then the correct team name is returned, it just doesn’t appear to be imported correctly.

Can you please let me know how I can configure this correctly?

Hi @benjistephenson,

Judging by the custom field structure, that is the Advanced Roadmaps for Jira “Teams” field. If that is so, I recommend using the default “Teams” field implementation.

I understand you could have some problems with the Team names containing IDs at the end of their names after some changes Atlassian made - https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Advanced-Roadmaps-articles/Teams-in-Advanced-Roadmaps-What-s-changing-and-what-you-need-to/ba-p/2259096.

We have since addressed the problem on our side, and eazyBI should import the Team names correctly. Please try that and share your feedback. If you updated the Team field settings via custom field import options, I recommend removing the custom JavaScript. Then, de-select the field from import and import data. After a successful import, select the field back for import and import data again.

Roberts // support@eazybi.com