Jira Multiple Linkages for Traceability

I wanted to reach out to the community with a problem, in hopes of getting a resolution to this.

Here is the scenario:
I am trying to build a Traceability Report, where I have various Issue types in Jira:

  • Requirements
  • Story
  • Test Cases

In this report, I need to build elements from the Requirements as well.

So far I have been able to show all the Requirements, and Stories associated, but stuck on getting a measurement together where I can see the linkage between the Story and Test Case.

Requriements-----|--------Story--------|------Test Cases--------| Requirement Element 1|Requirement Element 2|

Requirement 1----|-----Story 1 -------|------Test Case 1-----| Requirement Element 1|Requirement Element 2|
Test Case 2-----| Requirement Element 1|Requirement Element 2|
Test Case 3-----| Requirement Element 1|Requirement Element 2|
Test Case 4-----| Requirement Element 1|Requirement Element 2|
----|-----Story 2 -------|------Test Case 1-----| Requirement Element 1|Requirement Element 2|
Requirement 2----|-----Story 1 -------|------Test Case 1-----| Requirement Element 1|Requirement Element 2|
Test Case 2-----| Requirement Element 1|Requirement Element 2|
----|-----Story 2 -------|------Test Case 1-----| Requirement Element 1|Requirement Element 2|

Can someone help out in building a measurement with multiple linkages?
Here are the Linkage types:

  1. Requirements to Story: Implements
  2. Story to Test Cases: is Tested by

I can see the Stories through the following measurements, but having an issue with joining the next set of hierarchy:

    -- Get a list of Stories issues
    -- show by key
      cast([Issue].CurrentMember.Name as string),

Hi @Farhan_Khan,

The Xray Requirement dimension usually covers the Story->Test Case linking. I recommend using the Implements issue link dimension in report rows together with the Xray Requirement dimension. Add the “Xray Requirements created” measure. Then, define a calculated measure similar to the one below to retrieve the list of test cases:

    Descendants([Xray Test].CurrentMember,[Xray Test].[Test]),
    ([Measures].[Xray Tests created],[Epic Link].DefaultMember) > 0
  [Xray Test].CurrentMember.GetString('DISPLAY_KEY'), ", "

In my example, I use Epic Link dimension in rows and the calculated measure formula. Update it to fit your use case:

Roberts // support@eazybi.com