Kahnban Jira stats from JQL

I have a report that I create by hand for Kanban workflow reports. I use JQL to accomplish that in the Jira page view. I’d like to convert this to an eazyBI report that auto generates. based on the JQL measures that I have in place. The requirements that I’d like to view in an eazyBI report are as follows:

  1. All measures should be taken weekly on Wednesdays to coincide with grooming day.
  2. Measure the number of Jira issues that transitioned from “Ready for Dev”->“In Progress” during grooming on Wednesday.
    JQL: project = PROJ AND component in ("comp1", "comp2", "comp3", "comp4") AND status changed from "Ready for Dev" to "In Progress" during ('2022-03-9', '2022-3-15') AND (status was in ("Ready for Dev") on ('2022-03-09')) ORDER BY key ASC
  3. Measure the number of Jira issues that transitioned from “Ready for Dev”->“In Progress” that were not groomed on Wednesday.
    JQL: project = PROJ AND component in ("comp1", "comp2", "comp3", "comp4") AND status changed from "Ready for Dev" to "In Progress" during ('2022-03-9', '2022-03-15') AND (status was not in ("Ready for Dev") on ('2022-03-09')) ORDER BY key ASC
  4. Ready for Dev Snapshot on Wednesday
    JQL: project = PROJ AND component in ("comp1", "comp2", "comp3", "comp4") AND status was in ("Ready for Dev") on ('2022-03-09') ORDER BY key ASC
  5. Ready for dev → In progress total for the week Wednesday to Tuesday
    JQL: project = PROJ AND component in ("comp1", "comp2", "comp3", "comp4") AND status changed from "Ready for Dev" to "In Progress" during ('2022-03-09', '2022-03-15') ORDER BY key ASC

I’d like to visualize it as a bar graph.


The JQL queries can be translated to the MDX formulas but exact solutions depend on many details of the query. Even quite similar JQLs can completely different solutions once we try to convert them to eazyBI formulas.

Let me start from the end which is a bit more strightforward.

The solution for the fifth query is the following.

  1. Create aggregated members in the Time dimension to collect the Sprint period and an aggregated member in the Project dimension to collect the needed components:

  1. Now we can count the issues with the formula like this:
([Measures].[Transitions to status issues count],
[Transition].[Ready for Dev => In Progress],
[Time].[Sprint period],
[Project].[Some components])

This formula should be used in the report with the Project level of the Issue dimension. You may consider the use of the Component level of the Project dimension in the report and avoid the use of the Project aggregated member in the formula.

The rest of the cases requires to use the filter and descendants approach described in this presentation: https://community.eazybi.com/uploads/default/original/1X/1015fc5e46fb0b210d2d540d78cfddda521538d2.pdf

One hint is that we can check if an issue was in status at the end of a specific period with a code snippet like this:

([Measures].[Issues history],
[Transition Status].[Ready for Dev]

Janis, eazyBI support