I am looking to create a report that captures the following per day:
Note some issues might have both labels
issues created with either label A or B
issues resolved with either label A or B
issues created without either label A or B
issues resolved without either label A or B
I have no problem doing this with one label but I need to add in the or statement.
I have defined each label member in the Label dimension
[Label].CurrentMember.Name = “labelA”)
[Label].CurrentMember.Name = “labelB”)
Then I think I need another calculated member
[Label].[labelA] OR
Then 4 new calculated members but the counts are off.
I have also added the label combo to the advanced settings.
name = “Label combinations”
data_type = “string”
dimension = true
javascript_code = ‘’’
issue.fields.customfield_eazybilabels = issue.fields.labels;
Thanks in advance for any help.