Last Execution Status using EasyBI


In eazyBI, I can’t determine the proper way of creating the dimension rows, columns, and measures to show the latest execution by test plan, test cycle and Test result status.

Below are the dimensions I used for creating the overall test result execution:


Where measures consist of TM4J Test Plan with Test cycles.

I want the resulting report to show test execution statuses, i.e., In-progress, blocked, not executed, passed, and so on but by latest execution.

Is there any way to show which dimensions, rows and measures will allow me to solve this?

Thanks in advance!

Hi @Rubina,

Hi Radek,

Building analyses for testing always is a challenge as each test could be in multiple executions, and each cycle may contain several test cases. And there is also a Test Plan and Requirement perspective on testing progress. eazyBI pulls in all relevant testing data from which eazyBI users could build custom reports suited for their quality assurance processes and key performance indicators.

You have selected the right dimensions for the report to show tests by their last execution status: TM4J Test Cycle, TM4J Test Plan, and TM4J Test Result Status.

The hardest part is to get the right measure for the report. Predefined TM4J measures represent executions for each combination of test, cycle, and status. As a result, a test case could be included several times if it is executed several times with a different result or in different test cycles. To count tests only by the last test result status for selected parameters (chosen test plan and cycle), you might want to build a new calculated measure in Measures:

--for each status column
WHEN [TM4J Test Result Status].CurrentMember.Level.Name = "Status"
THEN --count tests by last execution status within selected Test Plan
  --go through all test cases
    Descendants([TM4J Test Case].CurrentHierarchyMember, [TM4J Test Case].[Test Case]),
    --check test last result status within selected test plan
      --iterate through execution statuses for a selected Test
      Filter([TM4J Test Result Status].[Status].Members,
        [Measures].[TM4J Test Cases with Test Cycles] > 0),
      --order execution statuses of a test by execution date descending
          [Measures].[TM4J Test Cases with Test Cycles] > 0
      --get name of the last execution status
    ).item(0).Name = [TM4J Test Result Status].CurrentHierarchyMember.Name
--for column "All TM4J Test Reult Statuses" or when diemsnion is not present in the report
WHEN [TM4J Test Result Status].CurrentMember IS [TM4J Test Result Status].DefaultMember
THEN NonZero([Measures].[TM4J Test Cases with Test Cycles])

Note that this calculation might be a bit slow as it iterates through all execution results and looking for the latest. Make sure that you have selected a test plan for the report and option Nonemty is enabled.

The report might look like this:

More information on calculated measures and how to build them you will find in the documentation:

Zane /

Hi @zane.baranovska

I built a new calculated measure and I got this error:

I am not sure what to do here.

Thank you,

Hi @Rubina,

This calculation is complex and quite resourceful therefore it might time out, unfortunately.
Make sure, you have enabled the option Nonempty and run this formula only for one test plan or test cycle.

ane /