Linked issues hierarchy


I am trying to create a custom linked hierarchy based on the issue type linked across projects. I have a REQ project with issue type Requirements and a development project with issue type Story and Test

The links are as follows Requirements --> Story --> Test

Requirement are linked to Story with outward_link - satisfies and inward_link is satisfied by
Story is linked to the Test with outward_link tests and inward_link is tested by

I tried using the following advanced settings to create a hierarchy but looks like i am missing something

name = “Requirement”
inward_link = “is satisfied by” ###Req perspective (open req and check link to story)
issue_type = “Requirements”
dimension = true
update_from_issue_key = “customfield_Story”

name = “Story”
inward_link = “is tested by” ###Story perspective (open story and check link to test)
issue_type = “Story”
dimension = true
update_from_issue_key = “parent_issue_key”

name = “Requirement”
all_member_name = “All issues by requirement”
levels = [
{name=“Requirement”,key_column = “customfield_requirement”, issue_type=“Requirements”},
{name=“Story”,key_column=“customfield_Story”, issue_type=“Story”},

Please advise on what i am missing. Thanks

Hi @pankajmehta,

The general rule is that you should build the hierarchy with the link from the child perspective (the opposite to what you have commented to the code).
Open Story to check on the link name for Requirements. And open Test to check on link name for Story.

For more details, please see the troubleshooting section:

Zane /

Thanks Zane, but how would i define the hierarchy for the change below

name = “Requirement”
inward_link = “satisfies” ###Story perspective (open Story and check link to Requiremnet)
issue_type = “Requirements”
dimension = true
update_from_issue_key = “customfield_Story”

name = “Story”
inward_link = “tests” ###Test perspective (open Test and check link to Story)
issue_type = “Story”
dimension = true
update_from_issue_key = “parent_issue_key”

??? Please advise ???


hello @pankajmehta , can you share the solution please ? I got the same problem