Looking for a method of how to best group an issue status

Hi all
I’m new to this game but I’m trying to get MDX working (calculated member) in order to group ticket statuses.

i.e. if status in open, in progress, development then group A, if status in with customer, sales then group B, if status in closed or resolved then group C.

or to put it a different way:
Group A

  • Open
  • In Progress
  • Development

Group B

  • Status Customer
  • Status Sales

Group C

  • Closed
  • Resolved

Or should this be added as a hierarchy in the advanced settings?
Thank you for any suggestions

Hi @Ken_Greeley ,

As you already mentioned, such grouping in the Status dimension can be done with calculated members in the Status dimension. The formula for such calculated member for group A could look similar to the one below:

  [Status].[In Progress],

See a picture of the calculated members in action below:

See the documentation page for more details on calculated members - Calculated measures and members - eazyBI for Jira.

You can also have a look at the Status dimension “By category” hierarchy. The statuses are grouped in three categories, based on how statuses are categorized in Jira - To do, In Progress, and Done.

Currently, it is possible to add new hierarchies only for specific dimensions. One such case is the Issue dimension, where hierarchies are defined in the eazyBI advanced settings.

Quite recently, eazyBI introduced an option to create custom hierarchies based on properties in some dimensions. Read more about that on the eazyBI documentation page - Create reports - eazyBI for Jira.

We have some ideas on expanding this feature to more dimensions.

Hi @Ken_Greeley ,
I wanted to let you know that we have released eazyBI version 6.5 this summer. We included a feature to configure the Issue cycles in the eazyBI account import options: Issue cycles

Please see a list of all changes: Changelog - eazyBI for Jira

Gerda // support@eazyBI.com