Making calculated member on search in name


Probably is the answer simple, but unfortunatly I’m not finding it.

I have a a dimension “Release” in Page where the data is in format “Release production xxx.x.x yyyymmdd”.
Now I want to make new calculated members where I group them by month. (matches “.202203.”, “.202204.”, “.202205.”…) So you can select them by month (eg Apr 2022), like the Time Dimension works.
I thought that
[Release].CurrentMember.Name MATCHES “.202204.”)
etc… would work, but apparently not.

Important to know is that this field is a field created in Insight and used in Jira, so there is no option to use a Time Dimension.

Hi @_P3 ,
You can try this formula with an aggregate() and different regular expression:

    [Release].CurrentMember.Name MATCHES ".*202204.*")

In the report:

Gerda //

Thank you very much. Didn’t thought on Aggregate function. It works!

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