Matches Regex does not work

We are using Jira Checklist to track project readiness.

Jira Checklist provides all status in a custom text field

* [open] **Security** - Have you done the security signoff [(?)]
* [open] **Architecture** - Have you added this project to LeanIX [(?)]
* [open] **Procurement** - Have you involved procurement ( > Euro 5'000 contract) 

I want to create a user measure per item (Security, Architecture,Procurement) to show the status of the measure

Example: Security -> open
CoalesceEmpty([Measures].[Issue Checklist Text],"") MATCHES '.open.*Security.*'

but it always returns false.

When I use the same REGEX in the filter then it works

Any hints are highly appreciated


Thanks to Janis Plume from EasyBI Support for the solution

There is a limitation of the Matches function in eazyBI; this function is unable to work with multi-line text properties. The workaround is to replace the line breaks with empty string before applying the pattern matching.


   Replace([Measures].[Issue Checklist Text],


      ""),"") MATCHES '.*open.*Security.*'

Example to extract status from Chechlist textfield

WHEN IsEmpty([Measures].[Issue Checklist Text])
  Then ''
WHEN CoalesceEmpty(
   Replace([Measures].[Issue Checklist Text],
      ""),"") MATCHES '.*open.*Architecture.*'  THEN 'open'

WHEN CoalesceEmpty(
   Replace([Measures].[Issue Checklist Text],
      ""),"") MATCHES '.*progress.*Architecture.*' THEN 'in progress'

WHEN CoalesceEmpty(
   Replace([Measures].[Issue Checklist Text],
      ""),"") MATCHES '.*done.*Architecture.*' THEN  'done'

ELSE 'invalid status'
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Took me several hours to find this, can this be fixed?