Measure - Duration on a status

My jira BUGs,
it open => development in progres → System test . Again come back to Development in Progress.
there are lot of to and fro happens.
I want to know sum of hours all the times the bug is in “Development In Progress” status

Hi @Saicharan_Charan_Alu

To see the Total days spent for each Issue in each Status, you can use the “Days in transition status till now” measure together with the Transition Status dimension as it is done here in this Demo report: Issue days in selected status - Issues - Jira Demo - eazyBI

If you want to know how much it is in hour format, you can define a new calculated measure with the following formula:

[Measures].[Days in transition status till now] * 24

​Best regards,
​Nauris / eazyBI support

Hey Nauris, thanks for info,
im looking to write definations.
For this requirement , using your Demo link, i tried this

[Measures].[Days in transition status], [Transition Status].[Development in Progress] / 24

But this is not giving accurate hours, can you please help what is the mistake in my code

Hi @Saicharan_Charan_Alu

The combination of several dimensions in one measure is called a tuple, and it must be surrounded by parentheses ( ).

Try this code:

  [Measures].[Days in transition status], 
  [Transition Status].[Development in Progress]
) * 24

Note that the “Days in transition status” measure adds the days of a Status only when the issue has left the status. If you want to know how many days an issue has spent in a status that it is currently in, you should copy the formula for the “Days in transition status till now” measure from this report: Issue days in selected status - Issues - Jira Demo - eazyBI


Thank you, this formula helped my requirement. :+1: