Measuring Changes to Completed Story points in a Sprint

There is a measurement called “Sprint Story Points completed of committed.”. It is the " Total of story points from sprint issues that were committed when the sprint started and completed at the moment when the sprint was closed".

The problem I have:
Story1 was committed and had 1 Story points.
In the middle of the sprint Story1 was changed to 5 Story Points.

In the above measurement, it will be counted as 5.
I want to create a measurement that will count the completed out committed story points with the original value of the story point when the sprint was started.

Please Help.

Hi @Ofer_Cohen,

Your observation is correct; the Sprint Story Points completed check on the Story Point value as it was on issue resolution, and the measure “Sprint Story Points completed of committed” is based Story Point values as t was when the Sprint started and when the issue was resolved.
More details on Sprint scope measures are described here: Jira Software custom fields.

If you would like to see the completed Story Points based on the committed value, then you can create a new calculated measure. The calcaution would iterate through individual issues that are resolved; if the issue is completed in a selected Sprint, then check on its committed Story Point value.
The expression might look like this:

  --set of resolved issues with SP
    NOT IsEmpty([Measures].[Issue Story Points]) AND
    NOT IsEmpty([Measures].[Issue resolution date])
  --numeric expression, SP of each issue
  CASE WHEN --issue is completed in a selected sprint
    [Measures].[Sprint Story Points completed] > 0
  THEN --get the committed SP value
	    [Measures].[Sprint Story Points committed],

More details on calculated measures are here: Calculated measures.

Zane /