I am looking to create a (weekly) report that reflects current Story Points on cases that transition to a status.
In the attached example, it shows issues closed and story points closed per week. I’d like to accomplish this same type of view, but only for cases that have transitioned to a specific status. Also, the status I am looking to track is before “closed”, so I am interested in reporting on Story Points of the cases that hit a certain status.
You can add “Transition Status” in the Pages to use it as a filter for Transition statuses you would like to view.
In my example below, I am looking at all Issues that were transitioned to status “In Progress” each week and the story points that were assigned to these Issues on each respective week.
I tried to use this but this does not give me what I want. The Transition to status number is correct but the story points history does not seem to respect the time. For example I have only one issue that was transitioned to status “approved” during week 39 and it shows ok, but the story points history shows the sum of all issues that are in status “approved” during week 39 even if they were put to approved status earlier. I would need to sum the story points only from those issues that were put to Approved status during a specific time period.
Thanks for the follow-up question, it’s a good one!
If you would like to see the story points history for the issues that have transitioned during the specific time period, you can create a new calculated measure that will iterate through Issues, check if there has been transition in the selected time period and return story points history for these issues only:
Descendants([Issue].CurrentMember, [Issue].[Issue]),
[Measures].[Transition to status first date],
CASE WHEN [Measures].[Transitions to status] > 0
[Measures].[Story Points history]
Thanks. This might work but it times out (we have 60 seconds time out limit). Is the only solution to reduce the amount of issues in the account or can this be made more efficient otherwise?
I was wondering if the discrepancy could be due to the issue moving to a different status during Week 35. The Time dimension reflects the results as they stand at the end of the selected Time period. So, if an issue was in the “Approved” status during that week but transitioned to another status before the week ended, it wouldn’t show the expected results.
A possible workaround is to use the hidden measure “Story points added,” which will capture story points added within that specific week. To do this, you can create a new calculated measure using the example below:
Thanks. Indeed the issue was moved to another status during the week. So the transition to status count measure counts it but then the story point sum does not as it checks the status at the end of the week. How would I use the story points added measure in the overall report? Would I replace the story point sum -measure with this story points added? What if the story points have been added earlier than in the week the transition was made?
Or could I somehow aggregate the time dimension (although the stories theoretically can go from approved status to another status even during one day). So basically I would need a measure that looks if the feature has been in approved status during a week and then count it in, otherwise not.
You are going to see the Story points added only for the week in which your issue transitioned into the selected status. So, for example, you created your issue with 5 story points in week 42 and it transitioned into “Approved” status in week 43. You will see both, transition and story points against status “Approved” if you filter Time dimension by week 43.
You can use “Story points added” measure, but there are a couple of things to look out for:
if your issue has transitioned in and out “Approved” status multiple times, “story points added” value will be multiplied accordingly. You will need to divide “Story points added” by “Transitions to status” to get the unique value of the Story points
if you change the value of the story points in the process, the result might be inaccurate as “Story points added” will take the original story points value at the moment of transition to “Approved” status.
Thanks. Finally had time to experiment with this. When I added the story points added, I got results but even now the number is not correct. The column transition to status contains only one issue but when I drill to the issues from the story points added column, I get two issues. One is an issue that had 13 story points given in week 31 and moved to status Approved in week 39 and the story point was changed to 13 to 14, so its individual story points added count is now 1. The other shows 12 story points although it only ever has had 6 story points.
The formula I use is: IIf( [Measures].[Transitions to status]>0,
[Measures].[Story Points added] / [Measures].[Transitions to status],
[Measures].[Story Points added])