More than one fix version leads to double counting

So I am trying to do a graph where I can see in the x axis the fixed versions and on the y axis the number of features that were resolved/completed. However the number of features completed is not the correct one because some features have more than one version on them and I only want to count the last version of the features, so i dont count double. If anyone could help me I would appreciate :smiley:!


The recommended solution is to implement a Calculated Custom field with a Javascript, creating a new dimension. This dimension would show the count of issues by the last Fix Version of this issue:

The configuration of the custom field could look like this:

Once you use this dimension in the report, issues will be counted by the last fix version:

Janis, eazyBI support

Hi sorry to bother again but I tried doing that and it stayed the same.
Below follows the dimension i created

Any thing I am doing wrong ?? Thanks in Advance!


The Javascript code is not working as expected because of mistyped length:

It was intended that Fix version diemension in the report rows should be replaced with the newly created Last Fix version dimension.

Janis, eazyBI support

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