Multiple filters


attempting to have minimal touch points for folks using an eazy bi report.

Need to create a filter as below

Custom field - assessment status - a, b, c
Custom field - app impact - x, y, z

condition for the report is - if Assessment status = a and c AND app impact = x and y then display due date (custom field - not a dimension, it is a property) and the count of issues for that due date for that project - mock up below

Screen Shot 2021-11-18 at 3.11.09 PM

Hi @Prexa_Patel ,

I recommend defining calculated members to combine the desired custom field dimension values. In the Assessment status and * app impact* dimensions create calculated members, aggregating the two values. See an example for Assessment status dimension calculated member below:

-- a and c
  [Assessment status].[a],
  [Assessment status].[c]

Define a similar calculated member in the app impact dimension. Now you can define a new calculated measure in Measures, combining issues with due dates with specific custom field values. See an example below:

([Measures].[Issues with due date],
[Assessment status].[a and c],
[app impact].[x and y])

Finally, you can use the Time dimension “Day” level in report rows and the Project dimension in report columns. I recommend first filtering the report rows by the measure with the Project dimension “All Projects” member. See the suggested report structure below:

Then you can hide the empty columns and remove the “All Project” member. The result could look similar to the one below:

Visit the eazyBI documentation page to find out more about calculated members, calculated measures and filtering report rows.

Roberts //