Multiple Select in Search and bookmark

Hello All
The challenge, I need your help please is that I am trying to limit my data to a set of issue keys around 500. I do not have Data Import privileges. Can I use Search and bookmark to limit my issues? I tried to search multiple issue keys with comma separated values and it didn’t work. I don’t want to select 500 keys individually.

I am trying to look for Jira JQL equivalent of Issuekey in (multiple Ids around 500 separated by comma). Please let me know if this is possible or if there are alternate solutions.

I am very new to EazyBI. Your help is appreciated.

Hi @Praveena_Surapaneni

Welcome to the Community! :slight_smile:

The best way to select 500 issues would be if they had some common indicator in Jira. For example, a custom field with a specific value for all these issues. In that case, you could import the custom field in eazyBI as a dimension and filter your report by this value. Still, this would require a “Data admin” role for the report account.

A second option would be to request a separate eazyBI report account to be created for you and the “Data admin” role granted. Report accounts in eazyBI are stand-alone instances and will not impact each other, so you can create and edit the reports and settings in this account safely.
When you have your report account, you can add a JQL query in the import settings to import only those 500 issues.

Best regards,
Nauris / eazyBI support

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Thank you Nauris, I will try the second option as I currently don’t have anything that is common across these 500 values.