This feature is not on our roadmap yet. However, your comment on this Community post counts as a vote to make the feature more popular.
Meanwhile, use dimensions to group data by similar fields or calcauted measures to concatenate values and then use that concatinated valu fro sorting data.
Try this formula when creating a new calculated measure:
Cast([Sprint].CurrentMember.Name as string)||" - "||
[Measures].[Sprint end date],
)as string)
Then sort your report by this new calculated measure in descending order.
Finally, you could click on the column and remove it. The sorting must remain in the report
Martins / eazyBI team
[sorted by sprint name and end date]
As you need to keep the aggregation of the Impacted feature, I assume that ordering would be needed within the aggregated rows of the “Impacted feature”. For that, you can create a custom measure for ordering. The measure would concatenate the name of the first dimension and the amount of the measure. Then you can apply ordering on that measure and remove it from the report for keeping the report clean and preserving the order.
In your case, the custom measure for ordering would be the fol…
Zane /