Good day
We would like a report on eazybi that shows Initiatives which we have introduced as a parent of an epic. So it needs to show all initiatives in a current backlog status, the next level needs to show all epics linked to that initiative and the epic status
Hi @dboodhram,
Welcome to the eazyBI community!
In case you are using “Advanced Roadmaps” then there is an option to import “Parent Link” custom field as property. “Parent Link” custom field import will create a new hierarchy “Portfolio” in “Issue” dimension.
For more details, please see the documentation: data import from “Advanced Roadmaps”:
If you don’t use “Advanced Roadmaps” there is an option to build a custom hierarchy in eazyBI “Issue dimension”. See an example here:
Also, check eazyBI documentation page on how to create a custom hierarchy in “Issue” dimension: Additional Issue hierarchies
Gerda //