Number of issues (issue type = "I2") which have been transitioned - at least once - to status "S2"

Hi everybody

I have started using eazyBI 2 days ago and this is my first post here :slight_smile:

I’m trying to build a report where I can get the following:

  1. Distribution of issues - with issue type = “I2” - through time, which have been transitioned - at least once - to Status “S2”.
  2. The way to group those issues must be based on “Created date”, instead of the date at which the transition was executed.

Reading other similar posts to get inspired, this is the best calculated measure I have been able to define so far:
([Measures].[Transitions to status issues count],
[Transition Status].[S2],
[Issue Type].[I2]

However, the problem with this formula is that:

  • For any reason is not counting the issues, with current issue type = “I2”, if those were previously issue type = “I1” and then moved to issue type = “I2”.
  • I’m not able to group issues by “Created date”.

Can you please help me here? I’m totally stuck :frowning:
Don’t hesitate to tell me if something is not clear.


Who can help me here please?

Hello Alvaro

You are using a tuple with a historical measure Transitions to status issues count. This measure will count issues with a particular status change and issue type at the moment when a status change occurred. Historical measures are related to the time when the activity happened. Therefore it does not take into account the creation date of an issue. eazyBI tracks changes of issue type by default. The historical measure will take into account issues type of issue at the moment of status change and will ignore issues that moved to a particular issue type after the status change.

In your case, you would like to take into account different aspects of an issue and you can do this calculation on Issue level only. Here is an example formula for this:

    -- filters issues currently with particular issue type
    [Measures].[Issue type] = "I2"
    -- by creation date
      [Measures].[Issue created date],
    -- was in partiular status no matter when and no matter what was an issue type when change happened
    ([Measures].[Transitions to status],
    [Transition Status].[S2],
    [Issue Type].CurrentHierarchy.DefaultMember,
    [Time].CurrentHierarchy.DefaultMember) > 0

Please check the naming of Issue type and Status in the formula above.

Daina /

Thanks a lot for your feedback Daina

I’m going to take a look at it and digest it and I’ll get back to you if I have any doubt with regards to that formula.

Thanks again

Hi again Daina

I have started playing with your formula - replacing accordingly both Issue Type and Status values - and instead of seeing in the chart the number of issues, I see “mmm dd yyyy” in all time members.

Am I doing something wrong?

Sorry Daina

After running several checks I have just realized that the issue with the date value I mentioned in my previous comment, was due to the fact that I had “default” formatting for that calculated member instead of explicitly setting “Integer” (now it works!).

Thanks a lot for your help Daina!
It has been really helpful :slight_smile: