Number of jira opened over a year and by them the number resolved regardless of the year of resolution

Hello, here is my problem.

I want to know the number of issue created in 2018 and among this result know the number of issue resolved.

And I can’t do it.

I can find the number of issue created in 2018 and also the number of issue resolved in 2018 but I am missing issues that are well created in 2018 and resolved in 2019. This is not visible and I don’t know how I can do because they can be resolved on a different year.

Thank you in advance for your help




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17 issues created in 2018

4 issues resolved in 2018
13 issues resolved in 2019

I would like to have this result.

2018 | 17 created | 17 resolved

This is what I get in JQL:

created >= 2018-01-01 AND created <= 2018-12-31 and type in (Improvement, “User Story”, “New Feature”) and “N° de ticket CRM” is not null and resolutiondate is not null and resolved >= 2018-01-01 and resolved <= 2018-12-31

Result : 4 issues

And this is what I would like :

created >= 2018-01-01 AND created <= 2018-12-31 and type in (Improvement, “User Story”, “New Feature”) and “N° de ticket CRM” is not null and resolutiondate is not null

Result : 17 issues

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I should be able to accumulate the next years and not the previous years but only for the issues created in 2018

PreviousPeriods exist but i want NextsPeriods

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Yes, you are correct. Each Measure has a reference to Time dimension related to particular activity date. Created issues by creation date and resolved issues by resolution date.

However, I would suggest using a dimension representing the resolved issues with the measure representing the created issues.

You can use the dimension Status. For example, Status hierarchy by category Done will represent the resolved issues.

You can define a calculated member in Status dimension (by category hierarchy) for Unresolved statuses.

  [Status.Category].[To Do],
  [Status.Category].[In Progress]

Please remember to select Status category hierarchy if you address the status by hierarchy members in the formula (eazyBI will give you a warning if the hierarchy will not be correct):

Then you can use this calculated member and member Done to show issues created and currently resolved. Here is a report example:

You can use the Resolution dimension as well. You can select resolutions representing the resolved issues.

With version 6.0, we added several new sample reports including the one representing created issues over time by current status. Here is a description on how we build this report in our documentation.

Daina /

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