Omit the group total column or row in charts

I am trying to draw a bar up chart by using time as a row dimension, issue type as column dimension and using “issues with end date” as measure. (I have imported custom field end date as a measure). I am trying to draw a horizontal bar chart of issues that have ETAs, displaying bars by every week of the year. But the time dimension is also drawing bars for every quarter and the entire year. How can I omit the bars for quarter and year?

Hi, @gsurekha2001

Welcome to the eazyBI community.

To filter out the quarter or year, please consider adding the Time dimension to the Pages and filtering wanted periods.

Or, in the Time dimension, choose All hierarchy members and then Month to see monthly data.


Thank you ilze. Unfortunately, I cannot use the time dimension in pages to achieve what I want, because I don’t want the data for a specific quarter. I want it for all quarters, but just don’t want rows/cells that are the aggregated month or quarter totals.
I did follow your second approach to get only weekly data, without aggregation by month and quarter and it worked.