Open Issues Trend - but with story point totals

This Open Issues Trend report (Open Issues Trend - Issues - Jira Demo - eazyBI) is exactly what I need with one exception - I want to burn down by story points instead of by the count of open issues.

I’m not super experienced with calculated members, but to achieve this, I think I need to update “[Measures].[Open issues]” the formulas for these 4 calculated members:
[Measures].[Open issues burndown from today]
[Measures].[Open issues until today]
[Measures].[Open issues trend in future]
[Measures].[Open issues ideal burndown]
(I don’t need the S-curve line - I’m removing that one.)

What is the right calculated member to replace [Measures].[Open issues] with in these formulas to get the story point totals instead of the open issue count? Or… do I need to create a new calculated member in place of Open issues because there isn’t, by default, and equivalent?

Hi, @jeniferlyn04

Welcom to the eazyBI community.

You are right! Based on the “Open Issue” measure, you need to create a new calculated measure: Calculated measures

All the calculations are done in the first part of the “Open Issues” measure, while the other half of the measure is optimization.

The formula should look something like this:

      [Measures].[Story Points created]
      - [Measures].[Story Points resolved]
    + [Measures].[Story Points created]
    - [Measures].[Story Points resolved]

Then, edit all the other measures substituting the “Open Issues” with the newly created Open SP measure.
