Order report rows by alphabetical order of issue summary


I have a report with Issue dimension in Rows.
I’ve removed the key to display only the Summary of the issues (Display name > Without key).

Now, I want to order the rows by alphabetical order of issue Summary.

What I have in mind is to add the following custom field in eazyBI advanced settings and import it as property (it will add a new calculated measure : Issue Summary) :

name = “Summary”
data_type = “text”
javascript_code = ‘’’
if (issue.fields.summary) {
issue.fields.customfield_eazybisummary = issue.fields.summary;

Then, add this calculated measure Issue Summary to the report and order rows based on this column and then remove Issue Summary from the report.

Could you please confirm this is the right approach and if this is really the simplest solution?

Thanks in advance.

Best Regards,

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Hi @Christophe,
you can create MDX formula with function ExtractString() and sort your issues by this measure:

  ".*\-\d+\s(.*)", 1

Gerda // support@eazybi.com

Hi @gerda.grantina,

Thanks for your feedback.

This measure works only for Issue hierarchy level in Issue dimension, right?
Is it possible to extend it to all possible Issue hierarchy level (Epic…)?


Best Regards,

Hi @Christophe,
in that case please use this code

  ".*\-\d+\s(.*)", 1


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I have serial numbers(from 1 to 100) on my issue summary I wish to arrange it on the basis of the serial number.
Would it be possible?