I am trying to create a report that one of the columns using calculated shows me filtering by type of issues (bug and sub-task) the original estimated hours
How do I add another subtask?
I am trying to create a report that one of the columns using calculated shows me filtering by type of issues (bug and sub-task) the original estimated hours
How do I add another subtask?
Hi @Pablo_Renzo,
If you would like to sum up Bug estimated hours and Sub-task estimate hours in a calculated measure, then you might want to add up two tuples like this:
([Measures].[Original estimated hours],
[Issue Type].[Bug] )
([Measures].[Original estimated hours],
[Issue Type].[Sub-task] )
An alternative option is to use function Sum() and list issue types of interest and, for them, sum up the original estimated hours:
--set of issue types for calculation
{[Issue Type].[Bug],[Issue Type].[Sub-task]},
--for each listed issue type get estimated hours
[Measures].[Original estimated hours]
More details on calculated measures and mentioned functions are here: Calculated measures.
Zane / support@eazyBI.com