Page-level date filtering


Greetings, community! How do I add a page-level filter for a particular date field (one among my report columns) to the page? Please see attached screen grab for an example from the DEMO reports.

Please help!

Many thanks!


This is a dynamic date filter for “Time” dimension members.
Please read more here:

But it would be possible also to filter your report by columns using regular expressions (if you select date field measure in columns), see attached gif below.

Martins / eazyBI support

Thanks Martin,
But what if I don’t want to show all the Issues, I have a couple of calculations that group the filters and I want to filter by like a variable, let’s say:

Filter(Descendants([Issue].CurrentMember, [Issue].[Issue]),
  DateBetween([Measures].[Issue Forecasted Go Live Date]
    ,'Jan 2019',<The current value of the Page filter Time>)       
  , [Measures].[Issues created])

is that possible?

Yes, it would be possible to filter the report rows (issues in your case) by a measure with a dynamic variable.
First, make sure that you imported “Forecested Go Live Date” field as measures from Import options page. Create a new calcualted measure using this formula

[Measures].[Issue Forecasted Go Live Date],
'Jan 1 2019',[Time].CurrenthierarchyMember.Startdate
[Measures].[Issues with Forecasted Go Live Date]>0

Then click on the column and choose to filter rows where the new measure > 0
Note this formula is using [Time].CurrenthierarchyMember.startdate to find the first date of the selected Time page filter.


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