Hello community.
I want to calculate the percentage of measure.hours spent issuetype.qa effort / measure.hours spent issuetype.development subtasks , to see whether the target 0f 20% (1/5) has been achieved per ticket (feauture). There are a few obstacles : need to calculate only for the issues that do have both issue types, so to exclude 0s and in some cases there are more than one development subtasks or qa efforts per ticket, so this need to be added.
Hi, Giorgos,
Welcome back to the community.
For faster response time, please consider writing us at support@eazybi.com.
I’m not sure I understand where you want to show the result. Please consider using a tuple division.
Pseudo code might look something like this:
([Measures].[Hours spent],
[Issue Type].[development subtask])
([Measures].[Hours spent],
[Issue Type].[qa effort])
More about tuples, here: Tuple
If this is not what you are looking for, please send report definition and more info to the support@eazybi.com