Planned and completed stories

Hello everyone, everything good?

I have a question about creating a chart in eazyBI, considering the following scenario:

“I seek to represent the total number of stories present in the Active Sprint, before the end or at the latest of the Sprint, and how many were completed.”

Are there any demo templates available that address this specific scenario?

Thanks in advance for your help!


If the sprint is in Active status, the current ratio of total issues vs. completed can be obtained with the following formula:

[Measures].[Issues resolved]/[Measures].[Issues created]

We must use the Sprint scope measures for the closed sprints:

  [Measures].[Sprint issues completed]
  ([Measures].[Sprint issues committed] +
   [Measures].[Sprint issues added])

So, the complete formula to show the completion rate per sprint:

  [Measures].[Sprint issues completed]
  ([Measures].[Sprint issues committed] +
   [Measures].[Sprint issues added])
  [Measures].[Issues resolved]/[Measures].[Issues created]

Note to apply the decimal percentage formatting to this measure.
Janis, eazyBI support

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