Please Help "how to import 'relates to' in 'lssue Links'

I desperately need to import “relates to” in “Issue Links”.

[jira.customfield_relates to_link]
name = “relates to”
outward_link = “relates to”
multiple_values = true
dimension = true

However, this doesn’t work…
Please help.

Hi @bigboss

Welcome to eazyBI community.

The syntax of your definition looks correct.
As far as I know, the “relates to” is the name of both inward and outward links in Jira.
Which can make the issue link import in eazyBI confusing.

My first guess is that you are using "inward_links in Jira to link issues but then defining the field for eazyBI advanced settings with outward_link instead.
Try using inward_link and reimport the field “Relates to” again.

Here is the page to troublehshoot links:

Martins / eazyBI