Portfolio dimension / get key from issue

I have a problem that I simply cannot solve.
We have a hierarchy using portfolio parent links: request> epic > story
“Requests” are in a special jira-project (REQ), the underlying issues (and hours logged) are in different jira projects (one per team). A typical scenario is: build a report that shows the information of the REQ-issue that can be filtered via pages but show the aggregated hours and estimated from the various issues and different teams/jira projects.

Usually to get the amount of hours spent per “request” and team I simply use the built-in portfolio dimensions which works great. However using this dimension I cannot use the pages-filters anymore because for example the “status” of the main REQ-issue is different than the status of the issues further down the hierarchy, but the pages-filter is applied to all issues, not just the main ones.

My idea is to use the issue-dimension and then have a calculated measure with a tuple that looks up the current issue key in the portfolio dimension returning that number using “getMemberbyKey”.

Now if create a static tuple for one “request” it seems to be working fine, the hours are correct:

[Portfolio Request].[REQ-123],
[Measures].[Hours spent]

However I simply cannot get the GetMemberbykey working:

[Portfolio Request].GetMemberByKey(
[Measures].[Hours spent]

is just throwing me an error:

#ERR: mondrian.olap.fun.MondrianEvaluationException: Expected value of type MEMBER; got value 'mondrian.olap.fun.MondrianEvaluationException: Exception while executing function getMemberByKey: java.lang.ClassCastException ’ (class mondrian.olap.fun.MondrianEvaluationException)

even though


is showing me the key of the issue of the line in question.

I spent hours looking for an answer on your forums but every time I try to adapt a solution it’s not working. I would very much appreciate your help and advice. Apologies if the answer has already been given elsewhere.

Thank you and best regards :slightly_smiling_face:

Any help would be appreciated :slight_smile:

Hi @MaxL ,
If you want to filter issues by “parent” issue status, you can try to create an issue linked field dimension.
In eazyBI community you can check similar answers about this type of use case:


Hi @gerda.grantina , Thank you so much, I’ll give it a try!
with best regards

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