We lately updated to eazyBi 7.1 and finally might be able to get extensive Pull Request data.
I’m aware that was available though hidden with v7.0+ but I couldn’t make it work. Too much of a newbie maybe
Now I’m able to use Pull Request, Pull Request Author and Pull Request Status dimensions easily, although when combined altogether only, I just cannot get Pull request repository hierarchy to drill down on Pull requests (id and title)…
DevOps counting measures as Pull requests open/merged/declined also work properly.
Now I try to go a bit further to get the create at, closed at, and other as per the pic I pasted here.
I use the Time dimension as filter in Pages, because we simply have too many issues and I am focused on this month’s data. But that MDX simply does not return anything but a blank field.
Actually [Pull Request].CurrentHierarchyMember.Get(‘Closed at’) and others do work only when the hierarchy level member is set to Pull Request.
The problem is when I combine dimensions in Rows:
Issue > Pull Request > (All hierarchy level members) Repository > (Drill in or expand) Pull Request fails.
Hi @MikeS ,
For pull request properties to work together with other dimensions or at a higher level of pull request dimension, you need to use DescendantsSet() function together with Filter().
Here is an example that filters pull requests by the closed date in the selected time period and sums the values by pull request created measure but ignores the created date so it is not linked to the time dimensions by that date.
DescendantsSet([Pull Request].CurrentHierarchyMember, [Pull Request].[Pull Request]),
--filters PR by closed date in selected time period
[Pull Request].CurrentHierarchyMember.Get('Closed at'),
-- sums all PR by measure PR created, but ignores the created date
([Measures].[Pull requests created],