I am looking to create a burn down guideline for a project, not a sprint. All the examples I see are for sprints, using sprint specific timeline items. My project has a set start and end date. I only want to include work that had an original estimate. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Based on this example:
[Measures].[Time within Sprint] > 0).Item(0),
[Measures].[Remaining estimated hours history])
- DateDiffDays([Time].CurrentMember.StartDate,
[Sprint].CurrentMember.get(‘End date’))
/ DateDiffDays([Sprint].CurrentMember.get(‘Start date’),
[Sprint].CurrentMember.get(‘End date’))
I got this far, but it simply doesn’t return data:
[Measures].[Original estimated hours with sub-tasks] > 0).Item(0),
[Measures].[Remaining estimated hours history]
*DateDiffDays(DateParse(‘2019 01 25’),DateParse(‘2019 03 08’))
/DateDiffDays(Now(),DateParse(‘2019 03 08’))