Remaining work hisrory

I want to show sum of all remaining work of issues in a sprint at the moment of starting sprint .
I put sprint in pages, assignee in rows and I use the flowing formula as calculated measure

( [Measures].[Remaining estimated hours history],
[Transition Field].[Sprint status],
[Sprint Status].[Active],
– An issue was in a sprint at a sprint start time
[Issue Sprint Status Change].[Future => Active],
[Sprint].CurrentMember.get(‘Start date’)

but it returns sum of remaining work at the beginning of the day which sprint started not the exact moment of the star of sprint
what should I do? please help

Hi @Amin_Pazhohesh,

The formula you are using looks on the remaining estimated hours at the moment when a sprint is activated; sprint status change “Future = > Active” already covers that.

As measure “Remaining estimated hours history” itself is a calculated measure, you might want to improve the calculation and use a stored measure “Remaining estimated hours added” instead.

( [Measures].[Remaining estimated hours added],
  [Transition Field].[Sprint status],
  [Sprint Status].[Active],
  -- An issue was in a sprint at a sprint start time
  [Issue Sprint Status Change].[Future => Active],
    [Sprint].CurrentMember.get('Start date')

Check out the report “Sprint Time Tracking (Remaining Estimate)” in the eazyBI Demo account. This report shows logged effort and changes in estimated hours during a sprint.

I would recommend importing that report into your eazyBI account to see how it works on your data as the Demo account does not have sufficient data to illustrate this use case properly (

Zane /