Report Based on Key present in Custom field

Hello I have two projects ABC and XYZ
on ABC project issue there is customfield multiple issue picker available.
Custom field name "UR ticket ID
This contain the Jira id of issue present in XYZ project.
in eazyBI i have imported this custom field as dimestion and property.
i have also imported ABC and XYZ data in same cube.
now I want to create a report something like below , could you please help here as I have tried all possible way based on my understanding.

@zane.baranovska @gerda.grantina @oskars.laganovskis @roberts.cacus

It could be imported as a Dimensions these 4 properties with a Custom javascript at data Import

And also it can be created 4 different measures like:
On the rows the Issue Dimension and on columns the 4 defined measures
UR created date:

   [UR ticket ID].CurrentMember.key),
[Measures].[Issue created date]


   [UR ticket ID].CurrentMember.key),
[Measures].[Issue status]

Same for backlog and the other Created date for the issue it is the [Measures].[Issue created date] because I guess one is for the project ABC and the other is related to the XYZ although in your Excel have the same names.

Thank you for your quick response, could you please provide me custom Java script to add these 5 as dimension and property ?

Hi @Deepak

There is no need for the custom Javascript code to import the needed properties.
This documentation link tells how to import the needed properties for the issue picker fields:

Once you have enabled the propreties_from_dimension option, you should access the UR ticket createion date with a formula like this:

[UR ticket].CurrentMember.get('Created at')


Janis, eazyBI support