Resolution Time

Hello All, I am new to EAZYBI and need help.

How to pull resolution time against each ticket in report from jira?


Hello @archanasahay,

Thanks for posting your question, and welcome to the eazyBI community!

You can create the following report:

  1. Add Issue dimension in Rows. In my example below, I am choosing the Issue hierarchy level.
  2. Select “Issues resolved” and “Issue resolution date” under Measures. Unselect “Issues created” measure that is usually selected by default.
  3. Optional: add Time dimension in Pages. This will allow you to filter results by specific year (as in my example below), but you can also choose to check results by month, day etc. Please note that as soon as you add the Time dimension, the Issues resolved will show the Issues that have been resolved in the selected time frame.

If you are new to eazyBI:
I recommend watching a series of short training videos (5 to 12 minutes each) covering the main concepts including eazyBI accounts and data import and how to build reports: Training videos.

Every month we host an introductory webinar , which includes a short demonstration of eazyBI and time for questions and answers. Please follow the link to register for the webinar here: Webinar Registration - Zoom.
If you can’t join the webinar, see the recording from the last session:
Getting Started with eazyBI

Marita //