Rework Rate - How to Calculate


Trying to determine the percentage or frequency of how often issues go back and forth from a “Rework” status. We want to use this to determine quality of coding skills for future projects to support our teams. I attempted this aggregate function but nothing seemed to pull data.

[Transition].[Awaiting Code Review => Rework],
[Transition].[Rework => Awaiting Code Review],
[Transition].[In QA => Rework],
[Transition].[Rework => On Hold],
[Transition].[Rework => Rejected]

We also added in our Pages area the following: (‘Sprint’, ‘Assignee’, and ‘Developer’) our rows were ‘Sprint’ only.

I have included a screenshot of our “Measures” field list as well to better provide context of what is available in our environment.

any help is greatly appreciated here
Thank You

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Hi @bap0n2e

You’ve written the formula for the aggregated set correctly. The only thing missing is the optional numeric expression that the Aggregated function accepts as a parameter.

Suppose you would like to count how many times your selected Aggregated transitions were performed. In that case, you can define a new calculated measure in the Measures dimension with your aggregate and provide the “Transitions to status” measure as the numeric expression:

[Transition].[Awaiting Code Review => Rework],
[Transition].[Rework => Awaiting Code Review],
[Transition].[In QA => Rework],
[Transition].[Rework => On Hold],
[Transition].[Rework => Rejected]
[Measures].[Transitions to status]

You can also use the “Transitions to status issue count” measure if, instead of the number of transitions, you would like to count the number of issues that had at least one of the transitions.

You can read more on Transition measures in our documentation: Import issue change history

Let me know if this fits your use case!
Best regards,
Nauris / eazyBI support

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